Project Manager's June 13th Update

Good day.  This is the June 13 report.  We will be  publishing for the Community of Allenstown School District a weekly progress report of your new building project.  We plan to publish these reports on every Monday going forward.

I am your Owners Project Manager.  One part of my role is to keep you, the Community, informed of the progress of the project.  I will be giving weekly reports that are written and monthly reports, in person, to the School Board.

Here is some of the progress this past week:

We are pleased to report that our permits for construction continue to come in.  We still have a few outstanding but remaking good progress.  This week we received the Septic System permit.  Nice!

Bid packages are out to close to 75 different vendors.  We are monitoring their questions at this time.

The State Fire Marshall office had a few questions from reviewing final/final drawings for state approval.  The project to give us final/final approval within a week.

On the site we continue to put up the final wildlife fencing.  This is a necessary prerequisite to starting bulldozers on site.

We are getting questions and monitoring submittals for materials for the site work, concrete and steel construction.

Eversource is putting in final utility poles for the new 3 phase power line.  The actual wire will commence next week.

Also, please feel free to call me at 802-380-1157 or write me at [email protected]

Project Managers May 23rd Update

Good day.  This is the May 23 report.  We will be  publishing for the Community of Allenstown School District a weekly progress report of your new building project.  We plan to publish these reports on every Monday going forward.

I am your Owners Project Manager.  One part of my role is to keep you, the Community, informed of the progress of the project.  I will be giving weekly reports that are written and monthly reports, in person, to the School Board.

Here is some of the progress this past week.

We first want to thank all those who came to the informational meeting last Monday evening at the Elementary School.  We had a lively discussion of the project, its history and the plans for the next few months and to conclusion.  Thank you.

We continue to monitor the permit process.  The Agency of Transportation, Fish and Wildlife and Corp. of Army Engineers are working with us to get our final permits in place.  We have a summation meeting on June 3.

In the meantime we have cleared the construction site for the building (except critical wetlands and vernal pool areas).  We are underway.

Drawings with 95% final completion are out to the respective people for review.  This is another major milestone to commencing construction.  Bidding shall commence in one week for the final divisions of the construction project.

Also, please feel free to call me at 802-380-1157 or write me at[email protected]

Project Managers May 9th Update

Good day.  This is the May 9 report.  We will be  publishing for the Community of Allenstown School District a weekly progress report of your new building project.  We plan to publish these reports on every Monday going forward.

I am your Owners Project Manager.  One part of my role is to keep you, the Community, informed of the progress of the project.  I will be giving weekly reports that are written and monthly reports, in person, to the School Board.

Here is some of the progress this past week:

The successful water flow test behind us we are now having the water tested for quality to see if we need any filtration on the water system.  We are being very conservative as this is a water supply serving one of our most valuable assets, our youth and children of our community.

The Milestone contract is out for insurance carrier review and then ultimate final signature.

We have been monitoring our permit progress.  This week we continued our  conversations with both New Hampshire Fish and Wildlife and New Hampshire Agency of Transportation.  Both productive conversations.

Drawings with 80% final completion are out to the respective people for review.  This is another major milestone to commencing construction.

Reminder that the School Board meets at 6pm on Monday, May 9.

There will be a public informational session (you should have received a card in the mail) on Monday, May 16 at 6pm.  Come as see the building drawings with your interest and questions.

We encourage your input and questions.

Also, please feel free to call me at 802-380-1157 or write me at [email protected]

Project Manager's May 2nd 2022 Update

Good day.  This is the May 2 report.  We will be  publishing for the Community of Allenstown School District a weekly progress report of your new building project.  We plan to publish these reports on every Monday going forward.

I am your Owners Project Manager.  One part of my role is to keep you, the Community, informed of the progress of the project.  I will be giving weekly reports that are written and monthly reports, in person, to the School Board.

Here is some of the progress this past week:

Great progress on the water supply for your new school.  The well was driven last week. This week we have done a “pump down test” which is a test where you check the sustained ability of the well to perform for 24+ hours.  The well passed.  Therefore, we have an excellent well for water column.

We spent the week doing the final review of the contract with our Construction Manager Milestone. Milestone is currently working under a Purchase Order arrangement and we are converting that to a full contract.

We have been monitoring our permit progress.  This week we continued our  conversations with both New Hampshire Fish and Wildlife and New Hampshire Agency of Transportation.  Both productive conversations.

We encourage your input and questions. Also, please feel free to call me at 802-380-1157 or write me at[email protected]

Project Manager April 22nd Update

I am your Owners Project Manager.  One part of my role is to keep you, the Community, informed of the progress of the project.  I will be giving weekly reports that are written and monthly reports, in person, to the School Board.

Here is some of the progress this past week.

The respective vendors have put in items for ROOF submittal and UNDERGROUND PIPING submittal and other various site work related items.  This is the process whereby the contracts (purchase orders) have been issued to the vendors and they are now ready to begin ordering the products.  This is a nice start to the major purchases that have some long lead times.

The well (site water) project has proven good this week and we have prepared the area for a “24 hour well test”.  The well test is where we run the well for a 24 hour period to ensure the vein of water we have found underground can be sustainable for a 24 hour duration.  This test will take place the 25th and 26th of April, early next week.

We have confirmed our vendors are prepared to cut the trees for the site work and that project shall commence on May 10 and be concluded by June 1.  Expect to see some exciting action out at the site!!!

We have been monitoring our permit progress.  This week we continued our  conversations with both New Hampshire Fish and Wildlife and New Hampshire Agency of Transportation.  Both productive conversations.

This week we did final submittal of our State Aid Quarterly Report.

We encourage your input and questions.

Also, please feel free to call me at 802-380-1157 or write me at[email protected]

Project Mangers April 15th, 2022 Update

April 2022 Update

Good day.  This is the April 18th report.  We will be publishing for the Community of Allenstown School District a weekly progress report ofyournew building project.  We plan to publish these reports on every Monday going forward.

I am your Owners Project Manager.  One part of my role is to keep you, the Community, informed of the progress of the project.  I will be giving weekly reports that are written and monthly reports, in person, to the School Board. Here is some of the progress this past week.

During the past week we have made some commitments to purchases of items coming for the new school.  With the post-COVID peak world we live in there are great supply chain delays being experienced worldwide.  Your building team is trying its best to be ahead of items long before we need them to ensure product flow during construction.

To that end this week we purchased the raw materials for the roof of the school. Second, we purchased piping for underground water and sewer and electric utility work for the main school building.

In order to accommodate efficient heating and cooling units our new building will be bringing three-phase electrical power to the site.  We committed to Eversource to bring the electric line in.  Their work, in fact, is suggested to begin in the next month.  We will keep you advised of future purchases.


We have dug the well and have a yield of OVER 30 gallons per minute.  This far exceeds any of our “worse case scenarios” for water consumption.  Over the next week we will be performing test yield on the well and final conclusion of the well chapter of our building project.

We continue to work with the State of New Hampshire on our Agency of Transportation submittal review.  All is into the state and we are now just providing additional information as requested along the way.

Your team continues the ongoing process of meeting with various academic disciplines.  ie; athletics, science, math.  To begin the process of understanding any particular academic needs the school building and site needs to accommodate.

We are off to a good start on your behalf.  We encourage your input and questions.

Also, please feel free to call me at 802-380-1157 or write me at[email protected]

Project Managers February 2022 Update

Hello Allenstown,

We are excited to be bringing the plans before your Town of Allenstown Planning Committee.

The process is that we submit the plans and associated documents to the Regional Planning Commission and the Town of Allenstown. There is then a Technical Review Committee that looks over the plans and makes comments. Those comments are taken under advisement and then the Town of Allenstown Planning Committee meets to discuss. We look to have plans submitted by February 22 and march toward a review by the Planning Committee in early April.

We continue to work with the State of New Hampshire on our Agency of Transportation submittal. All is in to the state and we are now just providing additional information as requested along the way.

As to the site plan we are looking at road signage for the new building and internal grounds signage.

We are continuing working with ideas for alternate energy for our campus. Will it be a solar array? We have had serious contact with the same firm that put solar power up on your fire department and has another town location to be started (community center) in the near future. The firm is interested in roof top areas that can be used for the solar array.

Over the next couple months we will be working on the technical side of audio visual, security, student movement (clock system) and kitchen design. These are specialty areas.

Your team continues the ongoing process of meeting with various academic disciplines. ie; athletics, science, math. To begin the process of understanding any particular academic needs the school building and site needs to accommodate.

We are off to a good start on your behalf. We encourage your input and questions. Also, please feel free to call me at 802-380-1157 or write me at[email protected]

Project Managers January 2022 Report



Good day.

This is the January 2022 report I will be publishing for the Community of Allenstown School District to follow the progress ofnew building project.

I am your Owners Project Manager. One part of my role is to keep you, the Community, informed of the progress of the project. I will be giving monthly reports, in person, to the School Board. I will also provide monthly reports to the Community via this Report and from time to time we will hold informational updates.

Here is some of the progress thus far.

Let’s have a bit of a refresher.

Reminder that H.L. Turner (Turner Group) from Concord is our Architect. They come with decades of experience in building not only schools, but the industry standard for healthy air movement in school systems. They have assembled their sub vendors for site work, fire prevention, air, water, sewer, structural, interior design and final finishes.

Secondly, we have assembled Milestone (aka—Milestone Engineering and Construction, Inc. of Concord, NH). They also come with decades of successful school construction experience.

This month we are reviewing for you the school and town interactions.

Early on in the design development phase we had your fire and police department represented by their respective Chiefs. We also had discussion with your water and sewer department. Your town administrator has been a valuable source of information and assistance.

Recently we brought on board the state Fish and Wildlife. We also began close interaction with our State of NH Fire Marshall office. This triggered us getting your local Building Inspector (code enforcement) involved with plan review. In fact, the entire team did a page by page plan review of the schematic drawings on December 8.

We appreciate the help of the town and especially the coordination of your town administrator Derik Goodine.

We have been doing a repeat and continuation of previously reported forward progress listed below.

We are continuing working with ideas for alternate energy for our campus. Will it be a solar array? We have had serious contact with the same firm that put solar power up on your fire department and has another town location to be started (community center) in the near future. The firm is interested in roof top areas that can be used for the solar array.

We are in contact with the Department of Homeland Security and New Hampshire Office of Emergency Management. The current Elementary School is a secondary shelter for the Town and a Public Health Point of Dispensing, primary. We will be inquiring of the Town on their intentions with this building going away.

Your team continues the ongoing process of meeting with various academic disciplines. ie; athletics, science, math. To begin the process of understanding any particular academic needs the school building and site needs to accommodate.

We are off to a good start on your behalf. We encourage your input and questions. Also, please feel free to call me at 802-380-1157 or write me at[email protected]

Project Managers November 2021 Report

Report to the Community

November 2021

Good day.  This is the second of monthly reports I will be publishing for the Community of Allenstown School District to follow the progress of your new building project.

I am your Owners Project Manager, Gordon Bristol.  One part of my role is to keep you, the Community, informed of the progress of the project.  I will be giving monthly reports, in person, and to the School Board.  I will also provide monthly reports to the Community via this Report and from time to time we will hold informational updates.

Here is some of the progress thus far:

  • We are now in good communication with your town Code Enforcement Officer.  He will be playing a role in ensuring your towns building and town code interface is ongoing and productive.
  • We have met with the Department of Education.  Our school is one of the first full new schools in the new educational funding process.  We are enjoying working with the state on this process.
  • Site testing continues.  What are the soils we are working with? Are there any special plants or species to be concerned with?  These are ongoing studies.
  • We are continuing working with ideas for alternate energy for our campus.  Will it be a solar array?  We will continue to study.
  • We are investigating any issues of traffic on the nearby state route and any need for a sidewalk on the River Road.  We continue to point out that the school will have a good buffer between the current road and the main body of campus.  Do we need to consider a turning lane on Route 28?  We are also looking into some thoughts of what is the traffic on the actual river road.
  • Your team continues the ongoing process of meeting with various academic disciplines.  i.e.;  athletics, science, math and others to begin the process of understanding any particular academic needs the school building and site needs to accommodate.

We are off to a good start on your behalf.  We encourage your input and questions.

Also, please feel free to call me at 802-380-1157 or write me at[email protected]

The District wishes for this to be a totally transparent project with as much information to you as possible.  Please let us know how we are doing.

Report by:

Gordon Bristol

Gordon Bristol Consulting

Project Managers October 2021 Report

October 2021

Good day Allenstown Community,

This will be the first of monthly reports I will be publishing for the Community of Allenstown School District to follow the progress of your new building project.

I am your Owners Project Manager, Gordon Bristol.  One part of my role is to keep you, the Community, informed of the progress of the project.  I will be giving monthly reports, in person, to the School Board.  I will also provide monthly reports to the Community via this Report and from time to time we will hold informational updates.

Here is some of the progress thus far:

  • Your School Board has put up a sign on the property to get some excitement going for the effort.  We thank the Moore family for donating the sign.


  • The Architectural firm has been hired.  The Turner Group of Concord, NH.  This firm has tons of experience in all facets of architecture.  In addition, they have a specialty in building schools both new construction and remodel.  They have a proven track record of excellence in building performance.


  • The Construction Manager has been hired.  The Milestone Company.  (Technically called the Milestone Engineering and Construction Company).  This firm is located in Concord, NH.  Milestone has been around since 1988 and has a record of on time and on budget success in building projects.  They, as well, have a long record of success in school building projects.


  • The main pre-construction effort at this time is the location of the building on the actual site.  We have hired both soil engineers and geo technical specialists to ensure where we place the building will be for the best interest of the students learning environment and for the safety of those traveling to and from the school on both school property and nearby roads.  Soil test and core drillings will be taking place in the next month.


  • Your construction team has met with the following this month:  Fire Chief, Police Chief, Town Administrator, Water Department, Sewer Department.  As well we have met with Eversource (power) and Agency of Transportation.

We have spoken with the Department of Education. We have met with some of the neighbors of the school to ensure their comfort and voice is accounted for.

We are exploring options for water and sewer at the property.  At the current time it looks like an onsite well and onsite septic is preferred.

Your team is starting the ongoing process of meeting with various academic disciplines.  ie;  athletics, science, math.  To begin the process of understanding any particular academic needs the school building and site needs to accommodate.

We are off to a good start on your behalf.  We encourage your input and questions.

Also, please feel free to write me at[email protected]

The District wishes for this to be a totally transparent project with as much information to you as possible.  Please let us know how we are doing.

Report by:

Gordon Bristol

Gordon Bristol Consulting

YourOwners Project Manager

10-2-2021 Future School Sign Posted on River Rd.

Oct 2, 2021

Allenstown Community:

A real sense of “Yes, this is finally happening” is starting as a new “Future Home of Allenstown’s New K-8 School” sign was installed this past week at the River Road site of the new school. The School Board gives sincere thanks and appreciation to resident Craig Moore and his company, NH Signs, for donating and installing the sign. We are fortunate and grateful to donations for our little school community.

A lot of work now begins in preparation for ground breaking to begin Spring, 2022. Our architects, HL Turner, a local firm out of Concord, have begun meeting with school staff to begin the design for what will be in our new school. As mentioned in a prior letter on the school website, we have another local, Concord company, Milestone Engineering and Construction that will be building our new school.

I hope everyone takes a little detour on River Road to see the new sign and gets a sense that in 2 years, we will have students in the fiscal year 2023/24 in a brand new building. Allenstown has a burgeoning sense of community that we believe will be even greater with this new school.

Thank you for your support.


Kris Raymond - Allenstown School Board Chair

9-15-2021 Closing on Land and Construction Manager Selected

September 15, 2021

Hello, Allenstown!

Today, we have two really important and exciting New School updates:

On Friday, September 17th, we will be closing on the 59-acre parcel of land off of River Road! This piece of land abuts Bear Brook State Park, and will allow for playing fields and lots of science related activities for our students and the whole community.

Also, on Monday, September 13th, the Allenstown School Board unanimously approved the Building Committee’s recommendation to hire the firm of Milestone Engineering and Construction from Concord, New Hampshire as our Construction Manager for the project!

So we are moving along, and it is getting more exciting everyday!

Don’t forget to check in often for updates, and let us know if you have any questions.

Enjoy this September Weather.

Peter Warburton School Superintendent

Shannon Kruger, ASD Principal

8-30-2021 - New Owner's Project Manager (OPM) Hired

The Allenstown School has hired Mr. Gordon Bristol as their OPM, or Owner’s Project Manager. In years past, this job was called the Clerk of the Works. Mr. Bristol brings years of experience in the construction field, and will be ever present over the next 2 years coordinating all aspects of the building project. Here is a partial list of past and current significant projects Mr. Gordon Bristol has been a part of:

  • Currently, he is working on a school remodel and addition for the Hopkinton School District. This project entails three schools in different parts of town. As of today, the project is 80% complete and is ON TIME and ON BUDGET. We anticipate the project completion in September 2021.
  • He successfully completed a three-phase project for the Golden Brook Elementary School in Windham, New Hampshire. The project was approximately $39 million divided over three phases. He was acting as pre-construction, owners representative and purchasing the owner Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment.
  • He recently finished a $1.6 million dollar project of a new custom-built school for aerial artist for the New England Center for Circus Arts. The project entailed two years of pre-construction services to work for the Board of Directors of NECCA to educate them on the system of design build for their school and financing arrangements.
  • In 2014 and 2015 he was extensively involved with the private club, Hermitage Club of Wilmington, Vermont. During his tenure as an owners representative and project manager, he oversaw project totals in excess of $5 million.
  • Just previously he finished two school remodel/new addition projects in Wilmington, Vermont. These project totals approximately $13 million. Gordon Bristol has dealt with all negotiations with the architect firm, construction managers and vendors on behalf of the school board. The project was a school consolidation project and was done from 2012-2014.
7-19-2021 Breaking Ground Date Announced!

Update - July 19th, 2021

Good afternoon Allenstown!

As many of you know, the Governor has signed the Biennium Budget with $30 Million dollars earmarked for Building Aid. We have heard, officially, that out of that $30 million, our expected 19.5 Million has been awarded for the new K-8 School on River Road.

In order to communicate with the Allenstown Community on a regular basis, Mrs. Kruger, ASD Principal and I will be using this New School website to update you on the building process. Here’s one update for today: The building schedule calls for ‘breaking ground’ in Spring of 2022 with students moving into the new school in the fall of 2023. There’s quite a bit of work to do before we even put the first shovel in the ground. So check in often to see our updates!

Enjoy the rest of your summer and Thank You, Allenstown!

Superintendent Peter Warburton