This notice serves to fulfill annual notification requirements in accordance with Section 763.93 of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). AHERA requires that all school buildings be visually inspected by accredited inspectors to identify all asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) that may be present in the school, and to maintain records of all activities related to inspections, removal and maintenance of ACBM. As required under AHERA, Allenstown Elementary School must maintain an Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) and keep the AMP on file at the school, and the School Administrative Unit Office. The AMP is available for review during school hours, Monday through Friday. The state will notify us when the next inspection will take place (expected to take place in 2023).

For additional information, please contact our Local Educational Agency Designee, Peter Warburton, Allenstown Superintendent of Schools at 603-485-5187 or [email protected].


In compliance with AHERA, the Armand R. Dupont school is required to notify parents, teachers, and all other building occupants that an asbestos management plan (AMP) is available to them in either the office of the school or in the SAU office. The AMP details the location of asbestos in each building and provides a record of inspections, reinspections, periodic surveillance, and removal of asbestos.

10 Period surveillance of asbestos containing building material (ACBM) is conducted by district personnel every 6 months in a thorough reinspection of ACBM is conducted once every 3 years by the district’s environmental consultant. The most recent inspection was conducted on 5/14/19. If you require more detailed information, please call the SAU office at 603-485-5187, and staff will direct your inquiry to the district’s designated person for asbestos information.